Alternative Education

Primary Alternative Education

This provision will primarily cater for pupils from year 1 onwards who are currently open on the SEND Hub database and therefore at risk of temporary and permanent exclusions. The pupils will be spending their time at the BACT Community Hub and Uttoxeter and the day would run from 9am – 2.30pm. 

We offer the chance to develop English and Maths skills through fun and engaging activities. There will be facilities to access cooking,, life skills and sport focussed activities, alongside external visits to Forest School programmes local to the area.

The programme is based around nurture and enrichment with the main aim of reengaging the students into mainstream education. Our core values are Inspire, engage and educate. We aim to help students learn coping strategies, behaviour management, communication skills and how to build positive relationships with adults and peers 

For more information: Call 07845 201897 or email

Secondary Alternative Education

Our Secondary Alternative education provision caters for students’ year 7 up to year 11. (11-16 years old). Our aim is to provide a safe and engaging environment for young people with the core values to Inspire, Engage and Educate.

The sessions are run for students that are struggling to engage in education for a variety of reasons, including behaviour, poor or non-attendance, or students that have been permanently excluded from mainstream school.

We have a designated learning area which enables the young people to undertake a qualification with the Prince’s Trust as well as access to sports leader qualifications. We pride ourselves on the opportunities we can offer young people within our community who can struggle in mainstream school or just need to have access to something slightly different.

  • Working in small groups
  • Confidence, self-esteem, and resilience building
  • Offering unique experiences
  • Building trusted relationships with young people, parents, and school
  • Signposting or referring to external agencies.

We aim to help young people learn coping strategies, behaviour management, communication skills and how to build positive relationships with adults and peers.

Our experience teaches us time and time again that what makes a difference in people’s lives are strong and meaningful relationships with good people who care. Whatever their needs, we surround our young people with a positive network of good people.

All young people referred into us need to be on role at their main education provider. We require a completed referral form, and we expect all people involved with the young person to visit the provision prior to joining. (Parent/carer and school representative plus any other relevant agencies).

As a trust we build great relationships with Schools and the community and promote a wraparound support for young people.

Student quote “Burton Albion Community and everyone do well, it is a shorter day than school and staff talk to you. You can’t improve the community trust; it is an amazing place, and it helps you improve and behave”.

For more information: Call 07808 646187 or email