BURTON Albion’s Pirelli Stadium Vaccine Centre recommences for the COVID-19 Spring Booster Programme for the 75 plus age group on Saturday 22nd April.
Initially all appointments will be by invitation only by GP surgeries with the high risk/vulnerable patients category first to be invited to receive their vaccination.
There will be limited Walk-In appointments from 4TH May.
The following dates have all been confirmed.
Vaccination Times on each day will be 9;30am till 12;30pm & 1;00pm till 4;30pm
Saturday 22nd April
Sunday 23rd April
Thursday 27th April
Saturday 29th April
Sunday 30th April
Thursday 4th May
Thursday 11th May
Saturday 13th May
Sunday 14th May
Thursday 18th May
Saturday 20th May
Sunday 21st May